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Mecha use both melee and ranged weapons to dispatch foes. In addition, a weapon can either be handheld or integrated into the mecha’s superstructure; each version has its benefits.

Handheld Weapons: A handheld weapon does not cost an equipment slot. However, a mecha with a handheld weapon can be disarmed.

Integrated Weapons: An integrated weapon takes up one or more of the mecha’s equipment slots, but the mecha cannot be disarmed of the weapon. Table: Mecha Weapons summarizes each weapon’s statistics.

To build a handheld or integrated weapon from scratch, a character must succeed at a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) after investing 60 hours in its assembly. A character without a mechanical tool kit takes a –4 penalty on the skill check. The character must also make a Wealth check against the weapon’s purchase DC.

Table: Progress Level 5 Ranged Weapons

Weapon1 Damage Critical Damage Type Range Increment Rate of Fire Magezine Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Progress Level 5: Information Age
A3X Dragon flame thrower 4d6 - Fire - Single 20 int. Large 75 lb. 21 Mil (+3)
M-9 Barrage chaingun 5d6 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A Linked Huge 100 lb. 21 Res (+2)
M-53 Firestar rocket launcher 10d6 - Fire - Single 6 int. Huge 35 lb. 24 Mil (+3)
M-55 Crud rocket launcher 10d6 - Slashing - Single 6 int. Huge 35 lb. 24 Mil (+3)
M-87 Talon missile launcher 15d6 20 Ballistic/Fire - Single 4 int. Huge 20 lb. 23 Mil (+3)
PS-15 Panther claws Varies1 19-20 Slashing - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -
Thunderbolt shock rod Varies1 20 Electicity/Bludgeoning - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -
Warpath recoilless rifle 10d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 20 box Huge 50 lb. 22 Mil (+3)

Progress Level 6: Fusion Age
Corona microwave beam 5d6 20 Fire 15 ft. Single - Large 15 lb. 19 Res (+2)
LK8 armor-piercing pike Varies1 x3 Piercing - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -
M-21 Comet autolaser 8d6 20 Fire 75 ft. S, A - Huge 40 lb. 22 Mil (+3)
M-70 EMP rocket launcher 10d62 20 Electricity - Single 6 int. Huge 35 lb. 27 Mil (+3)
M-75 Cricket rocket launcher 10d62 - Sonic - Single 6 int. Huge 35 lb. 25 Mil (+3)
NKP Puma pop-up turret 8d6 20 Fire 75 ft. Single - Large 20 lb. 23 Mil (+3)
T-95 Cavalcade chaingun 7d6 20 Ballistic 60 ft. S, A Linked Huge 80 lb. 21 Res (+2)
Typhoon 240 laser cannon 10d6 20 Fire 100 ft. Single - Huge 80 lb. 25 Mil (+3)

Progress Level 7: Gravity Age
Chrysanthemum laser array 16d6 - Fire - Single 1 int. Huge 50 lb. 26 Mil (+3)
M-300 Rhino mass cannon 8d12 20 Ballistic 100 ft. Single - Huge 65 lb. 29 Mil (+3)
PS-25 Tiger claws Varies1 19-20 Slashing - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -
Tsunami 480 plasma cannon 12d6 See text Fire See text Single - Huge 75 lb. 25 Mil (+3)
XJ-A Python electro-whip Varies1 20 Electricity - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -

Progress Level 8: Energy Age
Avenger electro-scimitar3 Varies1 18-20 Slashing/Electricity - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -
LT-5 Longshot mass driver 15d6 20 Ballistic 120 ft. Single 10 box Huge 90 lb. 24 Mil (+3)
RP-91 Reaper laser scythe3 Varies1 x4 Slashing/Fire - - - Varies1 - Varies1 -
1 See the weapon’s description for details.
2 See the weapon’s description for collateral effects to crew and passengers.
3 This mastercraft weapon grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.


Used primarily against soft, unarmored targets, the A3X Dragon flame-thrower sprays a 30-foot cone of burning liquid fuel. Anyone caught within the cone must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13) or take 4d6 points of fire damage. The flame-thrower carries enough fuel for 20 attacks; refueling the tank has a purchase DC of 12.

Equipment Slots: 1

Activation: Attack Action

Range Increment: Emanates from mecha

Area: 30-foot cone

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half (DC 13)

Purchase DC: 21

Restriction: Military (+3)


Essentially a high-tech version of the medium machinegun, the M-9 Barrage has multiple barrels that fire large-caliber ammunition, dealing 5d6 points of ballistic damage on a successful hit. The base unit has enough room for four 50-round ammo belts. Each additional equipment slot devoted to ammo storage has room for six more ammo belts. Each additional ammo belt has a purchase DC of 8.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 60 feet

Target: Single target within 600 feet, or autofire

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 21

Restriction: Restricted (+2)


M-53 Firestar rocket launchers fire self-guided incendiary-tipped rockets at any point within range. When the rocket reaches the designated target point—which can be a point in mid-air—it explodes, dealing 10d6 points of fire damage to everything within its burst radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 17) reduces the damage by half. The system carries six rockets.

Equipment Slots: 1 for launcher, must be hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders; 1 for each six-rocket pack

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 200 feet

Area: 20-foot-radius burst

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half (DC 17)

Purchase DC: 24 for rocket launcher and 6 rockets, 12 per additional 6-rocket pack

Restriction: Military (+3)


The M-55 Crud rocket launcher is similar to the M-53 Firestar rocket launcher. M-55 Crud shells release high-velocity shrapnel that deals 10d6 points of slashing damage to everything within its burst radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 17) reduces the damage by half.


The most common missile launcher installed on mecha, the M-87 Talon deals 15d6 points of damage to its target; half of the damage is ballistic damage, and half of the damage is fire damage. The missile’s guidance system negates the normal penalty for range increments.

Equipment Slots: 1 for launcher, must be hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders; 1 for each 4-missile battery

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 2,000 feet

Target: Single target

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 23 for missile launcher and 4 missiles, 21 per additional 4-missile pack

Restriction: Military (+3)


A mecha equipped with these durable alloy claws can tear great rents in most metal plating. The claws can be extended or retracted as a free action.

The claws convert the mecha’s slam attack into a claw attack that deals slashing damage. The amount of damage is based on the mecha’s size: Large 2d6, Huge 2d8, Gargantuan 4d6, and Colossal 4d10. The claws have a critical threat range of 19–20.

The claws are one size category smaller than the mecha’s size category.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large)

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: None


The Thunderbolt shock rod is essentially a one-handed metal rod with an electrical current running through the end. Damage is determined by the size of the mecha wielding it: Large 6d6, Huge 8d6, Gargantuan 10d6, and Colossal 12d6. Half of the damage is bludgeoning damage, and half is electricity damage.

The shock rod’s size category is the same as the mecha’s size category.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large)

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: None


The Warpath recoilless rifle is a rapid-fire cannon that fires shells that detonate on impact. Each shell deals 10d6 points of damage, and the system’s magazine holds 20 shells.

Equipment Slots: 1 for rifle, must be hand (or arm if Large); 1 for each 20-round magazine.

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 40 feet

Target: Single target within 400 feet, or autofire

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 22 for rifle and 20-round magazine, 15 per additional magazine

Restriction: Military (+3)


The Corona microwave beam is the cheapest PL 6 mecha energy weapon. It deals 5d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit.

Equipment Slots: 1

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 15 feet

Target: Single target within 150 feet

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 19

Restriction: Restricted (+2)


This massive carbon-alloy polearm deals piercing damage based on the size of the mecha wielding it: Large 2d10, Huge 4d10, Gargantuan 6d10, and Colossal 8d10. It deals triple damage on a successful critical hit. The mecha applies one and one-half times its Strength bonus on damage rolls when wielding the weapon with both hands. The pike has an extra 5 feet of reach.

The armor-piercing pike’s size category is one greater than the mecha’s size category, up to a maximum size of Colossal.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large)

Activation: Attack action

Range: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: None


Consisting of a rotating ring of laser cannons, the M-21 Comet autolaser deals 8d6 points of fire damage with a successful attack.

Equipment Slots: 2, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 75 feet

Target: Single target within 750 feet, or autofire

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 22

Restriction: Military (+3)


The M-70 EMP rocket launcher is similar to the M-53 Firestar rocket launcher. An EMP shell releases an electromagnetic pulse that deals 10d6 points of electricity damage to everything within its burst radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 17) reduces the damage by half.

If a mecha takes any damage from an EMP rocket, all crew and passengers aboard the damaged mecha must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be dazed for 1 round.

Purchase DC: 27 for rocket launcher and 6 rockets, 15 per additional 6-rocket pack


The M-75 Cricket rocket launder is similar to the M-53 Firestar rocket launder. A Cricket shell releases a sonic pulse that deals 10d6 points of sonic damage to everything within its burst radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 17) reduces the damage by half.

If a mecha takes any damage from a Cricket rocket, all crew and passengers aboard the damaged mecha must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be deafened for 1d6 rounds.

Purchase DC: 25 for rocket launcher and 6 rockets, 13 per additional 6-rocket pack


The NKP Puma pop-up turret is a miniature plasma cannon concealed under a breakaway hatch in a mecha’s hull. A triumph of miniaturization, it packs significant wallop in a small, versatile (it can be installed in any equipment slot) package. It deals 8d6 points of fire damage.

Equipment Slots: 1

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 75 feet

Target: Single target within 750 feet

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 23

Restriction: Military (+3)


More compact and powerful than the M-9 Barrage chaingun, the M- 95 Cavalcade has multiple barrels that fire large-caliber ammunition, dealing 7d6 points of ballistic damage on a successful hit. The base unit has enough room for four 50-round ammo belts. Each additional equipment slot devoted to ammo storage has room for six more ammo belts. Each additional ammo belt has a purchase DC of 10.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 60 feet

Target: Single target within 600 feet, or autofire

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 21 for weapon, 10 for ammo belt

Restriction: Restricted (+2)


A reliable laser cannon, the Typhoon 240 deals 10d6 points of fire damage with a successful attack.

Equipment Slots: 2, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, shoulders, or visor

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 100 feet

Target: Single target within 1,000 feet

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 25

Restriction: Military (+3)


A barrage of phosphorus lasers deals massive damage to the mecha’s surroundings, making this a weapon of last resort. Everything within 60 feet of the mecha (but not the mecha itself) takes 16d8 points of fire damage, after which the lasers burn themselves out. A successful Reflex save (DC 25) means the target takes only half damage.

Once fired, the Chrysanthemum burst array becomes nonfunctional and must be replaced.

Equipment Slots: 1

Activation: Attack action

Range: 0 feet

Area: 60-foot-radius burst centered on you

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half (DC 25)

Purchase DC: 26

Restriction: Military (+3)


The M-300 Rhino mass cannon charges a small bit of matter with incredible gravitational energy, then hurls it at the target, where its increased gravitational pull causes it to slam into the target like a wrecking ball. The weapon deals 8d12 points of ballistic damage on a successful hit.

Equipment Slots: 2, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 100 feet

Target: Single target within 1,000 feet

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 29

Restriction: Military (+3)


An improvement over the PS-15 Panther claws, PS-25 Tiger claws have monofilament edges that shear through armor plating like knives through butter. They can be extended or retracted as a free action.

The claws convert the mecha’s slam attack into a claw attack that deals slashing damage. The amount of damage is based on the mecha’s size: Large 6d8, Huge 8d8, Gargantuan 10d8, and Colossal 12d8. The claws have a critical threat range of 19–20.

The claws are one size category smaller than the mecha’s size category.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large

Activation: Attack action

Range: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: None


The Tsunami 280 plasma cannon has two aperture settings: focused beam and wide-angle beam. The mecha operator can switch between settings as a move action. The focused beam setting deals 12d6 points of fire damage with a successful ranged attack, and it has a critical threat range of 20. On the wide-angle setting, the weapon automatically hits everything within a 60-foot cone for 12d6 points of fire damage, but those in the area can make a Reflex save (DC 19) to reduce the damage by half. Critical hits aren’t possible on the wide-angle setting.

Equipment Slots: 3, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, shoulders, or visor

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment/Range: 150 feet (focused beam), or 60 feet (wide-angle

Target/Area: Single target within 1,500 feet, or 60-foot cone

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None or Reflex half (DC 19; see text)

Purchase DC: 25

Restriction: Military (+3)


The XJ-A Python is an electrified cable with embedded servomotors that wrap around the target. The Python deals electricity damage according to the mecha’s size: Large 2d10, Huge 4d10, Gargantuan 6d10, and Colossal 8d10. The Python has an extra 15 feet of reach.

When using the Python, you get a +2 equipment bonus on your opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if you fail to disarm your opponent).

Because the electro-whip can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, you can make a trip attack with it by succeeding at a melee touch attack. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop or detach the Python electro-whip to avoid being tripped.

The electro-whip’s size category is the same as the mecha’s size category.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large)

Activation: Attack action

Range: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: Restricted (+2)


The Avenger electro-scimitar is a lightweight and efficient one-handed melee weapon. As a mastercraft item, it grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.

Damage for the energy scimitar is based on the size of the mecha wielding it: Large 4d6, Huge 8d6, Gargantuan 12d6, and Colossal 16d6. The energy scimitar has a critical threat range of 18–20. Half of the damage the energy sword deals is slashing damage, and the other half is electricity damage.

The electro-scimitar’s size category is the same as the mecha’s size category.

Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large)

Activation: Attack action

Range: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 15 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: None


Mass drivers fire hyper-accelerated spent-uranium slugs at the target, dealing damage strictly through the massive kinetic energy the round imparts to the target. A mass driver round deals 15d6 points of ballistic damage, and the system’s magazine holds 10 rounds. Each 10-round magazine has a purchase DC of 12.

Equipment Slots: 2 for weapon, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, or shoulders; 1 for each 10-round ammo bay

Activation: Attack action

Range Increment: 120 feet

Target: Single target within 1,200 feet

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 24 for drive and 10-round magazine, 12 per additional magazine

Restriction: Military (+3)


The RP-91 Reaper is a two-handed melee weapon with a crystal carbon shaft housing laser and magnetic field generators. When activated by the mecha operator, it suspends a laser beam within a razor-thin magnetic “envelope” shaped like a farmer’s scythe. As a mastercraft item, it grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls.

Damage with a successful melee attack depends on the size of the wielding mecha: Large 4d10, Huge 6d10, Gargantuan 8d10, and Colossal 10d10. On a successful critical hit, the damage is quadrupled. Half of the damage the energy sword deals is slashing damage, and the other half is fire damage. The mecha applies one and one-half times its Strength bonus on damage rolls when wielding the weapon.

The laser scythe’s size category is one size category larger than the mecha’s size category, up to a maximum size of Colossal.

Equipment Slots: 2, must be hand (or arm if Large)

Activation: Attack action

Range: Touch

Target: Single target within reach

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Purchase DC: 15 + one-quarter the mecha’s base purchase DC

Restriction: None

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