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d20 FUTUREMECHA - FEATSMecha operators c an s elect feats that r elate specifically to operating mecha. These feats are all considered bonus feats for the Mecha Jockey advanced class. Whenever the Mecha Jockey is allowed to select a bonus feat, she can choose one of these. Essential Mecha FeatsA character without the Mecha Operation feat and Mecha Weapon Proficiency feat suffers serious penalties while operating a mecha of any size. The penalties for not having these feats are summarized below: Mecha Operation: A character without this feat takes a –4 penalty on Balance, Climb, Drive, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Pilot, and Tumble checks when operating a mecha. Furthermore, the character cannot run or charge. Mecha Weapon Proficiency: A character without this feat takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls made while operating a mecha. Furthermore, the character cannot apply the various firearm feats (such as Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Dead Aim, Double Tap, Shot on the Run, and Strafe) to a mecha’s ranged weapons. Mecha and FeatsIf you have the Mecha Weapon Proficiency feat, any feats that apply to firearms (such as Double Tap and Strafe) also apply to relevant ranged mecha weapons. Melee-oriented feats from the Brawl and Combat Martial Arts trees don’t apply if you’re operating a mecha, although a character with the Mecha Operation feat threatens all areas within reach of the mecha, and making a slam or other melee attack with a mecha doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Feats from the Defense Martial Arts tree f unction normally for characters in mecha. ADVANCED MECHA OPERATIONYou have received advanced training or extensive practice in mecha movement. Prerequisite: Mecha Operation Benefit: Choose a size of mecha (Large, Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal). When you are operating a mecha of the chosen size, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Defense. Furthermore, armor penalties for operating the mecha are 2 less than they would otherwise be (minimum penalty –0). HAIR TRIGGERYou have developed a delicate sense of timing, and your area attacks hit your foes when they’re ill-prepared to defend against them. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6 Benefit: Whenever you make an attack from your mecha that requires enemies to make Reflex saving throws, the DC for such saves is increased by +2. MECHA CRUSHYou can hurl your mecha’s body onto opponents to deal tremendous damage. Prerequisite: Mecha Operation Benefit: As an attack action, you can maneuver your mecha to jump or fall onto opponents, using the mecha’s body to crush them. This attack is useful only against creatures at least two size categories smaller than your mecha. The base damage for a crush attack depends on your mecha’s size category, as given below. Add 1.5 times your mecha-modified Strength bonus to this base damage to determine the total damage for the attack.
A crush attack deals bludgeoning damage and affects as many creatures as can fit under your mecha’s body. Each creature in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + your mecha’s size modifier for grapple attacks). On a failure, the creature is pinned and automatically takes crush damage each round the pin is maintained. MECHA FLINGYou can pick up an opponent with your mecha and fling it. Prerequisite: Mecha Operation, at least one free hand slot Benefit: Your mecha can make a grapple check at a –20 penalty against an opponent at least two size categories smaller than it. If the grapple succeeds, you can use an attack action to fling the held opponent on your next action. The range increment for the thrown foe is 10 feet, and the maximum range is 100 feet. A creature may be thrown horizontally or vertically. If thrown vertically, it takes normal falling damage. If thrown horizontally, it takes damage as though it had fallen half the distance thrown (rounded down), and you may apply your mecha-modified Strength bonus to the damage. Your mecha may also fling your opponent at another mecha, vehicle, or creature. To do so, make an attack roll at a –4 penalty, with appropriate range penalties, against the target. If you hit, both the thrown creature and the target take the amount of damage that the thrown creature would have otherwise taken, as given above. MECHA OPERATIONYou know how to operate a mecha. Benefit: You do not suffer the restrictions on movement and penalties on skill checks for being unfamiliar with mecha controls. You can move normally in a mecha and generally perform any action as if you weren’t inside a mecha, subject to the obvious limitations of size. You threaten areas within your reach even if unarmed. Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on Balance, Climb, Drive, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Pilot, and Tumble checks when operating a mecha. Furthermore, they cannot run or charge. MECHA SWEEPYou can use your mecha to wield improvised weapons and attack several spaces at once. Prerequisite: Mecha Operation, Power Attack, two free hand slots. Benefit: You can use your mecha’s great size and strength, along with your own knowledge of balance and leverage, to pick up a heavy object (such as a large tree or boulder) and attack an area as an attack action. The area affected is a half-circle with a radius equal to your mecha’s reach. This attack deals damage to all creatures two or more size categories smaller than your mecha within the area. The base damage dealt depends on your mecha’s size, as given below. Add 1.5 times your mecha’s Strength bonus to this base damage to determine the total damage for the attack.
Though it can deal significant damage, this form of attack is awkward and unbalancing. You take a –2 penalty to your mecha’s Defense and on Reflex saves until your next turn. MECHA TRAMPLEYour mecha can knock down and crush opponents. Prerequisite: Mecha Operation, base attack bonus +4. Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while operating a mecha, the target may not choose to avoid your mecha. If your mecha knocks down the target, your mecha may make one free slam attack against the target, gaining a +4 bonus on the attack roll because the target is prone. MECHA WEAPON BOOSTBy disabling safeguards and shunting auxiliary power into your weapons, you can attain greater destructive power at the cost of weapon accuracy. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Repair 6 ranks. Benefit: You can take a penalty of up to –5 on your attack roll. If you do, the mecha weapon of your choice deals +1d6 points of damage for each –1 penalty you took. The attack penalty persists until the beginning of your next turn, but the additional damage applies only to the next single attack you make. MECHA WEAPON PROFICIENCYYou know how to acquire targets and fire your mecha’s weapons using onboard computers and sensors. Prerequisite: Mecha Operation Benefit: You no longer suffer the standard penalties on attack rolls while you’re in your mecha. You can use any feats that refer to firearms with your ranged mecha weapons. Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made while in a mecha cockpit. Furthermore, they cannot apply firearm feats to a mecha’s ranged weapons. STUN MECHABy channeling electricity into an enemy mecha’s control system, you can temporarily short it out. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Mecha Operation, Precise Shot Benefit: If you threaten a critical hit with an electricity attack against another mecha, you may automatically confirm the critical. In addition to suffering the effects of the critical hit, the mecha is automatically stunned for 2d4 rounds. The stunned mecha automatically drops what it is holding and can take no attack or move actions. While the mecha is stunned, apply a –2 penalty to the mecha operator’s Defense (even though the operator is not stunned). THRUSTER BLASTBy directing your vectored thrusters all around your mecha, you can kick up a cloud of dust and debris that obscures the battlefield. Prerequisite: Pilot 10 ranks, mecha flight system (either jetpack, thruster boots, or ramjet thruster boots). Benefit: You can aim your thruster exhaust toward the ground to create a hemispherical cloud. If you are within 30 feet of the ground and there is loose debris or dust, you can create a cloud with a 50-foot radius centered directly below you. The generated winds snuff out small fires and give guided missiles attacking you a –4 penalty on their attack rolls. Creatures without eye protection caught within the debris cloud are blinded while inside it and for 1 round after emerging from it. The debris cloud grants anyone inside it one-half concealment (20% miss chance). Mecha with sensor systems ignore the concealment effects. Because some mecha have vectored thrust systems, their flight path isn’t affected by the aim of the exhaust. They don’t have to hover or fly upward to create the cloud. Questions? Comments? Boredome? Spot a typoe or a broken link? If you have any of these, feel free to send me an e-mail message at: |