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URBAN ARCANAEQUIMENT - GENERAL EQUIPMENTMany of the items in this section are battery operated. Any device that uses batteries comes with them. As a general rule, ignore battery life—assume characters are smart enough to recharge or replace their batteries between adventures, and that the batteries last as long as needed during adventures. If battery life is important in your game, roll 1d20 every time a battery-operated item is used. On a result of 1, the battery charge runs out and the item is useless. New batteries have a purchase DC 2. General equipment is described through a number of stats (see Table: General Equipment).
ClothingHere are some additional outfits that heroes might wear during their adventures. Stealth : Worn by anyone who wants to go someplace without being seen. Includes long-sleeved shirt, cargo pants, tabi shoes, and ski mask. All these items are tight-fitting and matte black.Double-sided: Any type of clothing can be made double-sided, allowing quick-change artists to switch outfits by turning their clothes inside out. It takes one minute to swap clothing to the other side and grants a +2 equipment bonus on Disguise checks. Double-sided clothing adds +1 to the purchase DC of an outfit, but does not change the weight.Surveillance EquipmentKeeping an eye on suspects or tracking the moves of potential enemies is a crucial part of the modern adventurer’s job. Bug Sweeper: A bug sweeper is a handheld device that measures radio frequency signals and looks for “suspicious” wavelengths. It gives a +5 equipment bonus on Search checks when trying to find microtransmitters.Fiber Optic Camera: This tiny camera mounted on a flexible cable allows a person to peer into places without being spotted or getting in harm’s way (such as slipping it under a door or through an air vent). It includes a small viewer and can be connected to a video camera or monitor. It requires a Computer Use check (DC 10) to use properly.Microphone, Contact: Originally designed for bomb-disposal applications, contact mikes allow the operator to hear through walls, packages, doors, and so on, merely by placing the suction-cup microphone in contact with the surface in question. It can listen through 6 inches of material.Microphone, Laser: Trying to hear someone from a distance is fine, unless there is something in the way. A laser microphone bypasses this by measuring the vibrations on a glass surface (such as a window). The listener can hear past a glass window and 10 feet around that area. It does not work on any other type of surface. A laser microphone has a range of 100 feet.Microphone, Parabolic: The specific function of this microphone is to pick up quiet sounds at a distance. Otherwise, it functions just like an ordinary pickup microphone. It has a range of 50 feet.Microphone, Pick Up: The standard microphone, designed to pick up sounds within a few meters. A standard pick up microphone can hear all sounds within 10 feet, granting a +5 equipment bonus on Listen checks.Microphone, Shotgun: A shotgun mike can pick up sounds up to 100 feet away, but must be pointed directly at the target. It has a very narrow corridor, roughly three feet across, and cannot pick up anything beyond that range. A shotgun mike gives a +5 equipment bonus on Listen checks.Microtransmitter: Commonly called a “bug,” this tiny microphone is the size of a nickel and sends a signal to a waiting transmitter. Average quality bugs have a range of 100 feet, good quality bugs have a range of 300 feet, and amazing quality bugs can reach one mile. For +1 to the purchase DC, microtransmitters can be built into pens, calculators, clocks, and other mundane items. Finding a microtransmitter requires a Search check opposed by the Hide skill of the person who planted it. A good quality microtransmitter grants a +2 equipment bonus on Hide checks. An amazing quality microtransmitter provides a +4 equipment bonus on Hide checks.Police Scanner: A police scanner allows a person to listen to emergency broadcast frequencies—fire, medical, animal control, and so forth. It has a range of 10 miles.Video Shades: Incorporating a tiny pinhole camera and a microtransmitter, these otherwise ordinary sunglasses see whatever the wearer sees. There are two models—one transmits in black and white and the other in color. They include a microtransmitter with a range of 150 feet.Professional EquipmentThis category covers a wide variety of specialized equipment used by professionals in adventure-related fields. Some of these are kits that contain a variety of items bundled in one package. Breaking and Entering Kit: This kit is designed for stealthy individuals who try to get into someplace without being seen and while making minimal noise. It includes a contractor field bag (black), circular glasscutter, boltcutters, car opening kit, contact microphone, penlight, lockpick set, lock release gun, microphone headset (walkie-talkie bought separately), and a multipurpose tool.Capture Kit: This kit is designed for neutralizing and capturing a live, dangerous target. Additional methods of incarceration are up to the hero—cages, lead-lined boxes, etc. The capture kit includes the following items: Mossberg shotgun with 12 beanbag rounds, air rifle, 6 tranquilizer darts (poison or tranquilizers must be bought separately), 2 sets of handcuffs, 25 zip-ties, ketch-all pole, taser, duct tape, net launcher, and an additional net pack.Concertina Wire: So named because it folds up like a squeezebox, concertina wire is the latest generation of barbed wire. It comes in 20-foot-long rolls that are stretch across the surface or fence to be protected. For each 2-foot section that a person tries to cross, he or she must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage (save for half). Concertina wire has hardness 2, 5 hp, and can only be damaged by slashing weapons or cut with a tool like boltcutters.Fiend Hunter’s Kit: Considered by some to be the most dangerous of prey, fiends require extreme force and quick thinking to bring down. This kit contains a Beretta M3P shotgun, 10 high-explosive rounds, 10 white phosphorous rounds, 2 white phosphorous grenades, 2 fragmentation grenades, night vision goggles, holy symbols (various faiths), and 5 vials of holy water, all contained in a duffle bag.Generator, Portable: A single cylinder, gas-powered generator on wheels that can produce enough electricity to power a house for eight hours. It requires two gallons of gasoline to operate and is noisy.Glasscutter, Circular: This special device allows a person to cut through glass panes without cracking or shattering them in the process. It fits onto the glass with a suction cup and has a rotating arm that cuts a hole from 3 to 12 inches in diameter. Once the hole is cut, the suction cup is tugged, pulling out the circle of glass. The user makes a Dexterity check (DC 10) to create a hole without shattering the glass. If the check fails, the glass shatters with a loud crash.Hydraulic Compressor: A hydraulic compressor is used to provide power to tools like the jaws of life, jackhammers, pumps, and the like. Without a compressor, many of these items will not operate.Headset, Microphone: This is a small, unobtrusive microphone and earphone headset, often hooked up to a professional walkie-talkie or cell phone (which must be purchased separately). It allows a person to keep their hands free while engaging in conversation. Better quality versions also include a small, powerful flashlight attachment or tiny video camera.Holy Water: Holy water damages undead and evil outsiders almost as if it were acid. Typically, a flask of holy water deals 2d4 points of damage to an undead creature or an evil outsider on a direct hit, or 1 point of damage if it splashes such a creature. Also, holy water is considered blessed, which means it has special effects on certain creatures. A flask of holy water can be thrown as a grenadelike weapon. A flask breaks if thrown against the body of a corporeal creature, but against an incorporeal creature, the flask must be opened and the holy water poured out onto it. Thus, you can only douse an incorporeal creature with holy water if you are adjacent to it. Doing so is a ranged touch attack that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.Jaws of Life: This rescue tool is used by firefighters and aid personnel to pry open the mangled doors of auto accidents. It requires a hydraulic compressor to work, but gives a +10 equipment bonus on Strength checks to open doors, bust through gates, and the like.Liquid Metal Embrittlement Sprayer: Although superficially resembling a flamethrower, this tool is used to spray a special liquid that makes metal brittle. It has a range of 10 feet and can coat a 5-foot square of metal in one round. After 1d6 x 10 minutes, the liquid reduces the hardness of the metal permanently by half (round down). The tank holds enough liquid to coat 50 square feet of surface. The liquid has no effect on any other type of substance.Ram, Portable: This modern ram is the perfect tool for battering down doors. Not only does it give you a +4 circumstance bonus on your Strength check to break open a door, but it allows a second person to help you without having to make an aid another check, adding another +2 bonus to your check.Road Flare: Road flares are small chemical sticks that produce a brilliant red light. They are lit by striking the cap against the stick. A road flare lasts for an hour before being completely consumed and fills a 5-foot square with flickering red light. Anyone struck with a road flare takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Road flares are sold in packs of three.Forced Entry Kit: Sometimes it’s necessary to enter an area that someone really doesn’t want you to get into. This kit is not subtle, but effective, relying on battering down doors and blasting holes through walls. Police and military personnel are most likely to use this kit. The forced entry kit contains the following items: Mossberg shotgun with integrated flashlight, 10 high-explosive shells, 5 beanbag rounds, boltcutters, liquid metal embrittlement sprayer, portable ram, sledgehammer (equivalent to warhammer), and chainsaw.Marbles, Bag of: About two dozen assorted glass spheres in a pouch. Commonly used as a toy, but also useful for checking slopes (just set one down and see which way it rolls) or as a nondamaging alternative to caltrops, one bag covers a 5-foot square. Creatures moving through or fighting in the area must make a Balance check (DC 15) every round they remain within that area or fall prone.Vampire Slayer’s Kit: This kit is specially tailored for dealing with undead bloodsuckers. Because not all vampires are vulnerable to the same things the kit covers a variety of possiblities. The kit contains the following items: 5 wooden stakes, Mossberg shotgun, 5 white phosphorous shotgun shells, silver holy symbols (various faiths), hand crossbow, 5 bolts with wooden tips, small metal mirror, garlic clove necklace. All this is packaged in an aluminum travel case.Winch, Portable: This small, portable electrical winch and cable has a solid hook on the end. If properly bolted down (such as being mounted to the front of a vehicle), it has enough strength to pull a car out of a ditch or a small tree out of the ground (an equivalent Strength 30). The cable is 150 feet long and has hardness 4 and 5 hp. The cable can only be damaged with slashing weapons or a boltcutter.Sports EquipmentExtreme sports and extreme danger go hand-in-hand. The following items are sports and recreational equipment that heroes might use in their adventures. In-Line Skates: In-line skates allow a character to increase his or her speed by an additional 20 feet per round on level ground and an additional 30 feet per round on a downward slope. The character can only take attack or move actions while using in-line skates (no full-round actions except a double move). If the character attempts any fancy maneuvers, he must make a Balance check (DC 10); the DC can increase based on how difficult the GM determines the maneuver to be. A failed check means that he falls, taking damage as if he fell 10 feet vertically for every 20 feet of movement.Skateboard: The skateboard has become a ubiquitous part of city living. On level ground, a skateboard increases a person’s speed by an additional 10 feet per round. On a downward slope, this increases by an additional 20 feet per round. The character can only take attack or move actions while riding a skateboard. Any time he does anything fancy, the rider must make a Balance check (DC 15). The DC can increase based on how difficult a maneuver he is attempting. A failed check means that he falls, taking damage as if he fell 10 feet vertically for every 20 feet of movement.Skis and Snowboards: For game purposes, skis and snowboards operate the same way. When moving downhill on snow or icy terrain, the character’s speed increases by an additional 30 feet per move action (20 feet when using cross-country skis on more-or-less level terrain). A person can only move at half speed while using skis up a slope. Any time the character performs some sort of fancy maneuver, he must make a Balance check (DC 15). The DC can increase based on how difficult a maneuver he is attempting. A failed check means that he falls, taking damage as if he fell 10 feet vertically for every 20 feet of movement. If the character is skiing on fresh snow, this damage is reduced by one die. Ski poles can be used as impromptu weapons.Questions? Comments? Boredome? Spot a typoe or a broken link? If you have any of these, feel free to send me an e-mail message at: |