What a Police Officer Carries
What is Inside a Police Cruiser
What is in an Emergency Aid Vehicle
What is Inside a Fire Truck
Police and other law-enforcement officers carry a large amount of equipment with them at all times. Here is a sample list of the typical equipment carried by a uniformed police officer, excluding items that are normally carried inside the police cruiser or during special situations, such as a raid or SWAT action.
- Glock 17 (plus 2 extra clips of ammunition)
- Undercover vest
- Flashlight (can be used as a club)
- Handcuffs, steel
- Zip-ties (6)
- Walkie-talkie (professional)
- Cell phone
- Pepper spray canister
- Metal baton and/or tonfa
- Multitool
- Latex gloves (12)
- Citation book
Police vehicles vary in terms of what equipment they carry, depending on whether they belong to state, county, or city precincts. Despite this, there is enough similarity to assume that the following equipment could be found in any police cruiser.
The following items are located in the front passenger compartment of the vehicle:
- Mossberg shotgun (including box of ammunition with 12 rounds; Disable Device check DC 20 to open the lock)
- Patrol box
- CB radio (professional)
- Maps (road atlas)
- GPS receiver
- Searchlight (as battery flood flashlight but double the range; mounted to vehicle)
- Pepper spray canister
- Baton (use club) or tonfa
- Flashlight (standard and 12 chemical light sticks)
- Taser (50% chance)
The following equipment is typically located in the trunk of the vehicle (Disable Device check DC 15 to open the lock):
- First-aid kit
- Basic evidence kit
- Basic toolkit (including duct tape, boltcutters, and multipurpose tool)
- Handcuffs and plastic zip ties
- Blankets
- Food (the equivalent of 2 days trail rations)
- 12 road flares
- Traffic cones
- Gas siphon
- Crime scene tape
- Portable fire extinguisher
- Trauma kit (50% chance)
- 4 tear gas canisters (50% chance)
- Spike strip (50% chance)
Obviously, aid vehicles are loaded with a huge variety of medical equipment. Instead of listing every single item, assume that the following “kits” can be assembled from
the gear carried inside.
- 1 crash cart
- 4 trauma kits
- 6 first-aid kits
- 1 basic evidence kit
In addition, aid vehicles contain a large number of non-medical equipment, allowing them to provide assistance under almost any circumstance.
- CB radio (as professional walkie-talkie with twice the range)
- GPS receiver
- Maps (road atlas)
- Flashlights (2 standard, 4 penlights, 1 battery flood)
- Cellular phone
- Basic mechanical tool kit (including duct tape, boltcutters, multipurpose tool)
- Rope (50 feet)
- Blankets
- Physical restraints (equivalent to handcuffs)
- Sand bags (for stabilization)
- Wood blocks (for setting tires)
- Searchlight (as a battery flood flashlight, but twice the range; mounted on vehicle)
- Winch and cable
- Hydraulic compressor (50% chance; mounted on outside of vehicle)
- Jaws of life (only if there is a hydraulic compressor)
- Metal cutting saw (only if there is a hydraulic compressor)
- Tire chains (+2 bonus on Drive checks on icy surfaces)
Fire trucks are enormous vehicles that carry a tremendous amount of firefighting, medical, and search and rescue equipment. Obviously, most of the space is dedicated to the operation of the fire hoses. The following items can be found in the front cab of a fire truck:
- CB radio (equivalent to professional walkie-talkie with double the range)
- GPS receiver
- Searchlight (mounted to vehicle)
- 4 walkie-talkies (professional) with charger
- Maps (road atlas)
- Instant camera and extra film
- Binoculars
- Shovels, brooms, and steel rake
- 2 battery powered floodlights
The following items are located in various storage panels on the sides and rear of the fire truck. Some of these items have been condensed into kits:
- 1 crash kit
- 2 trauma kits
- 3 first-aid kits
- 1 basic evidence kit
- Hose and pipe fittings
- Flashlights (3 battery flood, 3 regular)
- Basic mechanical tool kit (including duct tape, boltcutters, multipurpose tool)
- Long tools (shovels, rakes, brooms, wrenches, pry bar, fire axe, sledgehammer)
- Hand-held fire extinguishers (pressure water, dry chemical, C02, halon)
- Rope (100 feet)
- 2 searchlights (mounted on sides of the vehicle)
- Submersible water pump
- Tarps
- 2 chainsaws
The following equipment is located in the hose bed and open top compartment of a fire truck:
- Fire hoses (100+ feet)
- Hose fittings and couplings
- 5 gallon can of gasoline
- 2 15-foot ladders
- Gas-powered circular saw
- Gas-powered electrical generator and cables
Questions? Comments? Boredome? Spot a typoe or a broken link? If you have any of these, feel free to send me an e-mail message at: spike_fightwicky@yahoo.ca