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URBAN ARCANAMAGIC ITEMS - VEHICLUAR MAGIC ITEMSThis section describes several magic “accessories” for vehicles. A vehicular magic item functions only when it is properly placed on or within the vehicle: either attached to the vehicle in its proper place, painted on the vehicle, or incorporated into its design. Simply placing an item in the front seat will not activate the item’s magic effect. Removing the vehicular magic item from its intended location also ends the effect, although the item continues to radiate magic. Vehicular Magic Item Purchase DCsA vehicular magic item’s purchase price is 20 + the item’s caster level + its FX modifier. The FX modifier depends on the item’s nature, as shown on the table below:
Limits for FX Items on VehiclesJust as characters are limited in their ability to carry magic items, a vehicle can only bear so many functional magic items. The limits are as follows:
Vehicular Magic Items DescriptionsThe following section described several new vehicular magic items. Ablative Paint JobA vehicle coated in this nigh unscratchable silvery-gray paint gains 5 points of hardness. It has no effect on any vehicle with a hardness of 10 or higher. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 9th;Purchase DC: 28;Weight: - Bumpers of BlastingIf a vehicle equipped with bumpers of blasting strikes an object or creature while moving at least street speed the driver of the vehicle can choose to have the bumper emit an explosive blast. The explosion causes 5d6 points of fire damage (in addition to any collision damage) to the object or creature struck. The vehicle with the bumper of blasting does not take any damage from the explosion, but does take collision damage as normal. The explosive blast can be triggered three times per day, regardless of whether the attack is made with a front or rear bumper. The driver cannot trigger an explosive blast out of turn, such as when struck by another vehicle, although the driver could ready an action to trigger the explosive blast when such a condition arises. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 27;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Bumper of the RamThis vicious looking spiked bumper must be bolted to the front or back of the vehicle. Any time the driver of the vehicle uses the bumper to ram another vehicle or object, damage to the opposed vehicle is increased by one speed and size increment, while damage to the vehicle with the bumper of the ram is reduced by one speed and one size increment. The bumper of the ram’s effects do not apply to sideswipes. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 9th;Purchase DC: 32;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Dashboard FigurineA dashboard figurine appears to be a statue of an animal or person 4 to 6 inches tall. When placed upon the dashboard of a vehicle, it sticks in place and can only be removed by the owner with a command word. Once in place, the figurine grants a special ability to the vehicle and the driver. Three different types of dashboard figurines are available: humorous, monstrous, and religious.
Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 3rd;Purchase DC: 26;Weight: 0.5 lb. Engine of Infernal SpeedA vehicle with this engine can accelerate up to two speed categories for the round, instead of one. However, the vehicle can still only decrease speed by one speed category for the round, as normal (unless the driver performs a hard stop). If the vehicle accelerates in this manner, the engine produces jets of blue flame from the tail pipe that deal 2d6 points of fire damage to anything within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle; a successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage. The flames automatically set fire to combustibles. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 7th;Purchase DC: 30;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Flame JobThis paint job covers the front of the vehicle in wicked-looking flames. Once per day, on the owner’s command, the vehicle can burst into flames for 3 rounds, dealing 5d6 points of fire damage to any creature or object touched or struck by the vehicle. In addition, any creature standing adjacent to the flaming vehicle takes 2d6 points of fire damage; a successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage. The flames automatically set fire to combustibles. Neither the vehicle nor its occupants suffer any ill effects from the fire so long as they remain completely inside the vehicle. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 27;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Fuzzy Dice of LuckThese gaudy, hot-pink fuzzy dice must be hung from the rearview mirror of the vehicle to be activated. Once per day, the driver of the vehicle can reroll any Drive check, but must take the new result regardless of the outcome. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 3rd;Purchase DC: 25;Weight: - Headlights of BlindingThree times per day, these headlights can emit a blinding 50- foot cone of light projecting from the front of the vehicle. Any creatures caught in the area must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be blinded for 2d6 rounds. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 27;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Horn of BlastingUp to three times per day, this horn can emit a shrieking sound that deafens and damages creatures caught in its path. Any creature within a 30-foot cone directly in front of the vehicle takes 2d6 points of sonic/concussion damage and is deafened for 2d6 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC 16) halves the damage and negates the deafening effect. Crystalline creatures in the cone take quadruple damage (8d6 points) from the sonic blast. Vehicle windows and windshields may shatter if they take sufficient damage from the blast. Headlights are also susceptible to the horn of blasting and should be treated as windows for this purpose. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 29;Purchase DC: ;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Horn of DreadUp to three times per day, this horn can emit a terrifying noise. Anyone within 50 feet of the horn’s sound must succeed a Will save (DC 15) or be affected by a cause fear spell (as if cast by a 5th-level Acolyte). Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 27;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Impervious TiresThese tires are usually sold in sets of two or four, and each tire in the set has a hardness of 20. If one of the tires is punctured and ruined, the remaining impervious tires continue to function. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 28 (per set);Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Nondescript Paint JobThis paint job makes the vehicle less noticeable. It grants a +5 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Hide checks when tailing another vehicle or losing a tail. In addition, anyone wishing to break into the vehicle (other than the owner) must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be unable to do so. This is a mind-affecting spell-like effect; a new save may be attempted after 24 hours have passed. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 28;Weight: - Paint Job of BlurringOnce per day, this paint job makes the vehicle’s outline to appear blurry. This is as the blur spell as if cast by a 5th-level Mage. Occupants of the vehicle are also blurred. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 27;Weight: - Paralytic AlarmThis vehicle alarm triggers whenever an attempt is made to break into the vehicle (for example, by smashing a window or bypassing a door lock), unless the intruder succeeds at a Disable Device check (DC 30). When activated, the paralytic alarm emits a hypnotic pulse that paralyzes any creature within 30 feet for 2d6 rounds. A successful Will save (DC 15) negates this mind-affecting enchantment. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 28;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight Reinflating TiresThese tires (usually sold in sets of two or four) are slightly spongy to the touch. If a tire is punctured, it instantly reinflates and is restored to full hit points. Once a tire magically reinflates, it becomes a nonmagical tire and cannot reinflate again. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 3rd;Purchase DC: 23 (per tire) or 26 (per set);Weight: - Seats of SafetyThe occupants of a vehicle equipped with these seats gain the benefits of three-quarters cover while inside the vehicle. They take no damage from vehicle collisions, they gain a +7 cover bonus to Defense, and they gain a +3 cover bonus on Reflex saves. The seats of safety do not function if any of the vehicle’s doors are open. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 5th;Purchase DC: 28 (per vehicle);Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Seat of Hold MonsterOnce per day, when the driver utters the proper command word, this seat (usually a passenger seat in the front or back of the vehicle) holds the creature seated in it, as the hold monster spell cast by a 10th-level Acolyte. The target creature gets a Will save (DC 17) to negate the effect, which lasts for 10 rounds. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 10th;Purchase DC: 32 (per seat);Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Shrinking Paint JobThis paint job allows the vehicle to “shrink” to a matchboxsized version small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand. Shrinking or enlarging the vehicle requires a command word, and the vehicle takes a full-round action to shrink or return to full size. The vehicle will not shrink if it contains any living beings, but can be shrunk with up to 50 pounds of cargo stored in its trunk. The vehicle will not unfold if it is in an area that will not allow it to expand to its full size. A vehicle in its toy size has a hardness of 5 and 5 hit points. The vehicle is destroyed and cannot be repaired if reduced to 0 hit points in its toy form. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 7th;Purchase DC: 30;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Silent Warning AlarmThis vehicle alarm triggers whenever an attempt is made to break into the vehicle (for example, by smashing the window or bypassing a door lock), unless the intruder succeeds at a Disable Device check (DC 30). When activated, the alarm sends a mental warning to the owner of the vehicle, although the owner must be within 1 mile of the vehicle to receive it. If the owner receives the warning and succeeds at a Wisdom check (DC 10), he also receives a mental picture of the individual or individuals attempting to break into the vehicle, as if standing next to them (lighting conditions apply). Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 3rd;Purchase DC: 26;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Trunk of MaskingWhenever this trunk is opened, it creates a powerful illusion to conceal its true contents. The owner decides what the trunk appears to contain, and its contents seem real in every respect. Illusory items can be removed, handled, and manipulated. However, illusory tools provide no benefits to their users, and illusory items disappear if taken more than 30 feet from the vehicle. Gleaning the true contents of the trunk requires a true seeing spell or similar magic. Creatures that suspect the presence of an illusion are entitled to a Will save (DC 16) to disbelieve it; if the save succeeds, they can perceive the true contents of the trunk of masking. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 7th;Purchase DC: 30;Weight: — (factored into the vehicle’s weight) Windows of DeceptionThe driver of this vehicle can alter his or her appearance to viewers on the outside of the vehicle, as if by change self cast by a 3rd-level Mage. If the one or more of the vehicle’s windows are destroyed, the effect ends and the windows of deception cease to function. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 3rd;Purchase DC: 26;Weight: - Zephyr TiresZephyr tires (sold in sets of two or four) are emblazoned with large white wings on the side. When placed on any car, van, or motorcycle (they resize to fit any of these vehicles), they allow the vehicle to fly. Once per day, the vehicle’s driver can command the vehicle to fly. While flying, the vehicle follows all the normal rules for piloting a flying vehicle, but otherwise retains the same speed, initiative, and other statistics. The vehicle can maintain flight for 10 rounds. When performing aerial stunts, the driver makes Pilot checks instead of Drive checks. Should the effect’s duration expire while the vehicle is still aloft, the magic fails slowly. The vehicle drops 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the remaining distance. Zephyr tires have a hardness of 5 and 2 hit points (which also count toward the hit points of the vehicle). If one or more of the tires are destroyed, the zephyr tires lose their magic and cease to function, and the vehicle (if airborne) plunges from the sky. Type: Wondrous Item (vehicular);Caster Level: 9th;Purchase DC: 32 (per set);Weight: - Questions? Comments? Boredome? Spot a typoe or a broken link? 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