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Like constructs, nonheroic robots do not gain skills. They must be programmed with software that gives them the ability or the knowledge to perform certain skills. Skill software (often called “skillware”) is embedded in the robot’s central processor or “brain” and can be saved after the robot is destroyed (see Robot Resurrection). This is not true of skill webs, however (see below).

To write skill software from scratch, a character must have an equal number of ranks in whatever skill the software is designed to emulate. The character obtains the necessary components by making a Wealth check against the software’s purchase DC. He must then succeed at a Computer Use check (DC 20 + number of skill ranks emulated by the software) after investing 12 hours in the software’s construction.

Class Skills: All skills programmed into a robot become class skills for the robot.


A skill chip enables a robot to gain up to 8 ranks in any one of the following skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Disable Device, Listen, Repair, Search, or Spot. A robot can have multiple skill chips. However, skill chips do not allow a robot to benefit from skill synergy.

A skill chip can be erased and reprogrammed with 12 hours of work and a successful Computer Use check (DC 20 + number of skill ranks emulated by the software).

A Techie or a Technosavant can reprogram a skill chip in 1 hour and can modify it to hold as many ranks as he has in the emulated skill.

Purchase DC: 4 × number of skill ranks.


This chip allows the robot the read, write, and speak one language as though it has the appropriate Read/Write Language and Speak Language skills.

Purchase DC: 12


Sophisticated emulation software encased in a thin but durable plastic casing, a skill progit enables a robot to gain ranks in a single skill. The number of ranks cannot exceed the programmer’s ranks in the skill being emulated. A factory-built progit typically holds 4, 8, or 12 ranks of a particular skill. A robot can have multiple skill progits. However, skill progits do not allow a robot to benefit from skill synergy.

A skill progit can be erased and reprogrammed with 12 hours of work and a successful Computer Use check (DC 20 + number of skill ranks emulated by the software).

Purchase DC: 3 × number of skill ranks.


A skill net consists of a series of interlocking programs that allow the robot to acquire ranks in multiple skills. The number of ranks in any given skill cannot exceed the programmer’s ranks in the skill being emulated. A factory-built skill net typically holds 4, 8, or 12 ranks in as many as four different skills. A robot can have multiple skill nets. Skill nets allow a robot to benefit from skill synergy.

A skill net can be reprogrammed one skill at a time. Replacing one skill with another or increasing the number of ranks of an already existing skill requires 1 hour of work and a successful Computer Use check (DC 20 + number of skill ranks emulated by the software).

Purchase DC: 18 (four skills at 4 ranks each), 21 (four skills at 8 ranks each), or 23 (four skills at 12 ranks each).


A skill web allows a robot with ordinary class levels to gain skill points as normal for its class. The skill web expands as the robot advances in level. An integral component of the robot, it cannot be salvaged if the droid is destroyed. Skill webs allow a robot to benefit from skill synergy.

A skill web’s skills cannot be altered except through level advancement.

Purchase DC: One-half the base purchase DC of the robot’s frame.

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