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d20 FUTUREROBOTS - ROBOT FRAMESROBOT FRAMESA robot’s frame is the basic form the robot takes, from a simple barebones armature to a convincingly lifelike replica or metallic liquid. It includes both the robot’s chassis and its internal power source. The frame determines a robot’s base statistics and base purchase DC, as shown on the tables below. Frame Size: The size of the frame, which determines the robot’s base purchase DC, base Hit Dice, and ability scores. Base Purchase DC: The purchase DC of the frame (or its components). The base purchase DC does not include the cost of accessories (modes of locomotion, manipulators, armor, sensors, or equipment) or increased Hit Dice. Base Hit Dice: The robot’s Hit Dice, not counting any additional Hit Dice that may be added (see below). Extra Hit Points: Additional hit points gained due to the robot’s size. Base Ability Scores: The robot’s ability scores, before improvements. Robots that do not have Constitution or Intelligence scores cannot improve these abilities. Maximum Hit Dice/Purchase DC Modifier: The maximum Hit Dice the robot can have, and the amount by which the robot’s purchase DC increases for each Hit Die added to its base Hit Dice. A dash (—) indicates that the robot cannot have its Hit Dice increased. ARMATURE (PL 5)The most basic of robot designs, armatures are essentially mechanical skeletons. To build an armature frame from scratch, a character must succeed at a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 20) after investing time in the frame’s construction: 12 hours for a Tiny or smaller frame, 24 hours for a Small to Large frame, or 48 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical tool kit takes a –4 penalty on the skill check. The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame’s purchase DC. Table: Armature Robot Frames provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model armature robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. Immunities: Robots with armature frames have all the normal construct immunities, including immunity to critical hits. Restriction: None Table: Armature Robot Frames (PL 5)
BIODROID (PL 6)Biodroids are a step up from biomorphs, in that they can be mistaken, under certain conditions, for what they are made to resemble. However, reasonably close inspection reveals the presence of robotic parts and the lack of biological parts. Purchasing a factory-model biodroid requires a license. To build a biodroid frame from scratch, a character must succeed at two skill checks—a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) and a Craft (electronic) check (DC 30). These checks are made after investing time in the frame’s construction: 48 hours for a Large or smaller frame or 72 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical tool kit or electrical tool kit takes a –4 penalty on the skill check (–8 if the character has neither). The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame’s purchase DC. Table: Biodroid Robot Frames provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model biodroid robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. Critical Systems: Although they are constructs, biodroids have vital areas and critical systems. Consequently, they are subject to critical hits. Lifelike Appearance: Distinguishing a biodroid from members of its emulated species requires a successful Spot check (DC 10). A biodroid can use the Disguise skill to increase the Spot check DC. Restriction: Licensed (+1) Table: Biodroid Robot Frames (PL 6)
BIOREPLICA (PL 7)A step up from biodroids, bioreplicas are robots so convincingly lifelike that they are virtually indistinguishable from their living counterparts. The bioreplica’s components are made up of lightweight plastics in a synthetic sheath that looks and feels like real flesh and skin. Bioreplicants are restricted, and in some areas, buying or owning one is illegal. To build a bioreplica frame from scratch, a character must succeed at two skill checks—a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) and a Craft (electronic) check (DC 30). These checks are made after investing time in the frame’s construction: 48 hours for a Large or smaller frame or 72 hours for a Huge or larger frame. A character without a mechanical tool kit or electrical tool kit takes a –4 penalty on the skill check (–8 if the character has neither). The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame’s purchase DC. Table: Bioreplica Robot Frames provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model bioreplica robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. Critical Systems: Although they are constructs, bioreplicas have vital areas and critical systems. Consequently, they are subject to critical hits. Lifelike Appearance: Distinguishing a bioreplica from members of its emulated species requires a successful Spot check (DC 20). A bioreplica can use the Disguise skill to increase the Spot check DC. Restriction: Restricted (+2) or Illegal (+4) Table: Bioreplica Robot Frames (PL 7)
LIQUID-STATE (PL 8)The liquid-state robot is a mass of metal alloy resembling liquid mercury. It contains a molecular network of subprocessors that interpret the central processor’s instructions to form a nearly endless variety of shapes. The liquid metal can emulate radically different densities within the same form, meaning that the robot can feel like flesh on the outside, but be as solid as stone on the inside. Being able to assume different forms does not allow the robot to duplicate appearances or abilities; a liquid-state robot cannot change its color any more than it can breathe fire. For example, if it assumes the shape of a human, the robot would appear to be a human made of metal. Furthermore, a liquid-state robot is limited to the quality of its own components. A liquid-state robot equipped with a rotor for locomotion cannot simply change shape and acquire a pair of legs, for example; any change must be of the same Progress Level or lower. A liquid-state robot can, however, reattach separated components. To build a liquid-state “frame” from scratch, a character must succeed at two skill checks—a Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) and a Craft (electronic) check (DC 30). These checks are made after investing 96 hours the frame’s construction. A character without a mechanical tool kit or electrical tool kit takes a –4 penalty on the skill check (–8 if the character has neither). The character must also make a Wealth check against the frame’s purchase DC. Table: Liquid-State Robot Frames provides the base purchase DC, Hit Dice, and ability scores for factory-model liquid-state robots, as well as purchase DC modifiers for improving ability scores. Natural Armor: A liquid-state robot gains a +5 natural armor bonus to Defense. Attacks: A liquid-state robot, regardless of its form, has two appendages (treat as natural weapons) with which it can attack each round. It can shape these appendages into various crude weapons as a free action; depending on their shape, one or both weapons can deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. The robot’s size determines the amount of damage these appendages deal: Fine 1, Diminutive 1d2 , Tiny 1d3, Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8, Huge 2d6, Gargantuan 2d8, Colossal 4d6. Amorphous Form (Ex): Because a liquid-state robot can alter its shape and density, it gains a +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks. Fast Healing (Ex): A liquid-state robot has fast healing 10. This ability ceases to function when the robot is destroyed (reduced to 0 or fewer hit points). Fire Vulnerability: A liquid-state robot takes 50% more damage from any fire-based attack. Immunities: Robots with liquid-state frames have all the normal construct immunities, including immunity to critical hits. Restriction: Military (+3) Table: Liquid-State Robot Frames (PL 8)
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