d20 Modern System Reference Document



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Wondrous items include anything that doesn’t fall into the other groups, including jewelry, tools, books, clothing, and gadgets.

Unless noted otherwise, activating a wondrous item takes an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Wondrous items are activated by command word or use-activated.

Purchase DC: A wondrous item’s purchase DC is 25 + the item’s caster level + its FX modifier. The FX modifier depends on the item’s nature, as shown on the table below:

Item's Nature FX Modifier
Single-use item -
Continuous effect or bonus 1 +3
Limited number of uses per day +2
Limited number of charges +1
1 See Limit on FX Items Worn. A continuous effect item that does not take up one of these limited spaces has a +4 FX modifier (instead of +3).

Examples of wondrous items include the following:

Chemical Light Stick of Revealing: This FX item reveals invisible creatures and objects within its 5-foot light radius.

This magic item usually comes in packs of five, and each light stick lasts 6 hours.

The purchase DC and weight given below are for a pack of five.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: 1 lb.

Crystal Pistol: This item is the same size as a Small handgun. Pulling the trigger activates the psionic energy stored inside the crystal. The energy strikes a single target designated by the user and deals 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage. The user may choose to have the device deal nonlethal damage instead.

The target must be within 130 feet. A crystal pistol can be fired 50 times before the crystal shard is completely drained of psionic energy. This item cannot be recharged.

Firing a crystal pistol is an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Type: Wondrous Item (psionic); Manifester Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: 2 lb.

Duct Tape of Repair: This magic brand of duct tape can repair damaged objects and vehicles. When a 5-foot strip of the duct tape is applied to the damaged area, the duct tape disappears and the object regains 1d8+5 hit points instantly.

Duct tape of repair comes in a standard-size roll and can be used 14 times before the roll is exhausted. Applying duct tape of repair is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 31; Weight: 1 lb.

Gauntlet of Lightning: This gauntlet allows its wearer to cast lightning bolt 3 times per day. Each bolt deals 5d6 points of electricity damage, or half if a Reflex save (DC 14) succeeds. Using the gauntlet is an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 32; Weight: 1 lb.

Icethrower: This backpack and spray nozzle looks similar to a flamethrower but shoots a 45-foot-long cone of cold that deals 9d6 points of cold damage to creatures and objects in the area. A successful Reflex save (DC 17) halves the damage. Using the icethrower is an attack action and provokes attacks of opportunity.

The cold fuel stored in the icethrower’s backpack is drained after 10 shots but can be replenished (at the cost of the item’s purchase DC).

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 9th; Purchase DC: 35; Weight: 50 lb.

Jade Crocodile: When the owner sets down this figurine and speaks the proper command word, the figurine instantly transforms into a crocodile that obeys its owner’s simple commands. The crocodile remains for 10 minutes, reverting to figurine form at the end of this duration or when reduced to 0 hit points.

A jade crocodile can be used once per day. Activating the item is an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The figurine has a Defense of 8, hardness 5, 6 hit points, and a break DC of 22.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 6th; Purchase DC: 33; Weight: —.

Leather Jacket of Damage Reduction: In addition to providing the usual +1 equipment bonus to Defense, this well-worn leather jacket reduces the damage to its wearer from any melee and ranged weapon attack by 1 point (1/—). This damage reduction stacks with any other damage reduction.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 31; Weight: 4 lb.

Running Shoes of Striding and Springing: The wearer of these shoes moves at double his or her normal speed. In addition, these shoes grant a +10 equipment bonus on Jump checks.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 33; Weight: 1 lb.

Screaming Amulet: As an attack action, the wearer can cause the amulet to emit a horrid psionic shriek that disrupts the brain waves of every living creature in a 15-foot-radius burst centered on the wearer (the wearer is unaffected). The shriek deals 7d6 points of damage, or half with a successful Will save (DC 17). Power resistance applies. Using a screaming amulet does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Activating the amulet costs 10 power points; if the wearer does not have 10 power points to spend, he or she cannot activate the item.

Type: Wondrous Item (psionic); Manifester Level: 7th; Purchase DC: 34; Weight: —.

Six-Demon Bag: So long as the bag remains bound, the possessor gains a +1 luck bonus on all saves. Opening or sealing the bag is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Inside the bag are six small stones. Each stone can be hurled up to 60 feet, exploding at any point within range as designated by the possessor. Each stone releases a 15-foot-radius burst of energy or shrapnel that deals 5d6 points of damage, or half damage if a Reflex save (DC 15) succeeds.

  • Stone of Acid Rain: This stone releases a burst of acid.

  • Stone of Earth: This stone releases a burst of stony shards that deals slashing damage.

  • Stone of Fire: This stone releases a burst of fire.

  • Stone of Hail: This stone releases a burst of cold.

  • Stone of Lightning: This stone releases a burst of electricity.

  • Stone of Thunder: This stone releases a burst of sonic/concussion energy.

Once all six stones are thrown, the six-demon bag loses all of its magic properties.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 34; Weight: —.

Windbreaker of Resistance: This garment offers magic protection in the form of a +1 to +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws.

Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 4th (+1), 7th (+2), 10th (+3); Purchase DC: 22 (+1), 25 (+2), 28 (+3); Weight: 1 lb.