d20 Modern System Reference Document



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A potion is an elixir concocted with a spell-like or psionic effect that affects only the drinker. A potion is a single-use item that can only duplicate spells or psionic powers of 3rd level or lower. A potion vial has a Defense of 12, hardness 1, 1 hit point, and a break DC of 12. A vial holds 1 ounce of liquid.

Drinking a potion takes an attack action and provokes attacks of opportunity.

Purchase DC: A potion’s purchase DC is 17 + the potion’s caster level + spell level unless noted otherwise.

Examples of potions include the following:

Potion of Charisma: This potion adds a +5 enhancement bonus to the drinker’s Charisma score for 5 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.

Potion of Constitution: This potion provides a +5 enhancement bonus to the drinker’s Constitution score for 5 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.

Potion of Cure Light Wounds: A character who drinks this potion heals 1d8+1 points of damage. More potent versions of this potion (with effects similar to the cure moderate wounds and cure serious wounds spells) are rumored to exist.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 1st; Purchase DC: 19; Weight: —.

Potion of Darkvision: The imbibing character can see in the dark for 3 hours, although everything he or she sees appears in shades of black and white.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 22; Weight: —.

Potion of Dexterity: The imbibing gets a +5 enhancement bonus to his or her Dexterity score for 5 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.

Potion of Intelligence: This potion provides a +5 enhancement bonus to the drinker’s Intelligence score for 5 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.

Potion of Invisibility: The drinker and any gear he or she is carrying vanish from sight. Even creatures with darkvision cannot see the invisible creature. Any object picked up by the invisible creature remains visible unless tucked into clothing or a carrying item. Objects dropped or put down by the drinker become visible.

The potion does not silence the drinker, and certain conditions can render the affected creature visible. The drinker becomes visible if he or she attacks any creature; otherwise, the effect lasts for 3 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 22; Weight: —.

Potion of See Invisibility: This potion allows its drinker to see objects and beings that are invisible as if they were normally visible. It does not reveal illusions or allow the imbiber to see through opaque objects, nor does it reveal creatures that are simply hiding, concealed, or otherwise hard to see. The effect lasts 30 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 22; Weight: —.

Potion of Stealth: This potion grants a +5 circumstance bonus on her Hide and Move Silently checks for 1 hour.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 6th; Purchase DC: 24; Weight: —.

Potion of Strength: This potion improves the imbiber’s strength, resulting in a +5 enhancement bonus to the drinker’s Strength score for 5 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.

Potion of Truth: This potion forces the individual drinking it to say nothing but the truth for 10 minutes; a successful Will save (DC 12) negates the effect. Further, he or she is compelled to answer any questions put to him or her in that time, but with each question he or she is free to make a separate Will save (DC 12). If one of these secondary saves is successful, he or she doesn’t break free of the truth-compelling enchantment but also doesn’t have to answer that particular question. No more than one question can be asked each round. This effect is a mind-affecting enchantment.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 4th; Purchase DC: 25; Weight: —.

Potion of Wisdom: This potion adds a +5 enhancement bonus to the drinker’s Wisdom score for 5 minutes.

Type: Potion; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.


A ring is a circular metal band worn on the finger that contains a spell-like ability or a psionic power (often an effect that persists as long as the ring is worn). A ring has a Defense of 13, hardness 10, 2 hit points, and a break DC of 25.

Activating a ring is an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Purchase DC: A ring’s purchase DC is 25 + the ring’s caster level unless noted otherwise.

Examples of rings include the following:

Ring of Energy Resistance 15: This ring absorbs one type of energy damage: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic/concussion. Each time the wearer takes damage of the specified energy type, subtract 15 points of damage from the total. If the total damage is 15 points or less, the wearer takes no damage from the attack.

Type: Ring (magic); Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 30; Weight: —.

Ring of Jumping: This ring continually provides a +30 bonus to the wearer’s Jump checks and eliminates the wearer’s usual maximum distance limit.

Type: Ring (magic); Caster Level: 1st; Purchase DC: 26; Weight: —.

Ring of the Ram: The wearer can command the ring to issue forth a ramlike force. This force strikes a single target, dealing 1d6 points of damage if 1 charge is expended, 2d6 points if 2 charges are used, or 3d6 points if 3 charges (the maximum) are used. Treat this as a ranged attack with a 50-foot maximum range and no penalties for distance.

In addition to its attack mode, the ring of the ram also has the power to open doors as if it were a character with Strength 25.

If 2 charges are expended, the effect is equivalent to a character with Strength 27. If 3 charges are expended, the effect is that of a character with Strength 29.

A newly created ring has 50 charges. When all the charges are expended, the ring becomes a nonmagical item.

Type: Ring (magic); Caster Level: 9th; Purchase DC: 34; Weight: —.


A scroll is a spell magically inscribed onto paper or parchment so that it can be used later. Once the spell is cast, the scroll becomes blank or turns to dust. Scrolls are single-use items. A scroll has a Defense of 9, hardness 0, 1 hit point, and a break DC of 8.

No preparation time is needed to cast a spell written on a scroll. The reader must perform the short, simple, finishing parts of the spell. To use a scroll safely, a character must be high enough level in the right class to cast the spell already.

Activating a scroll has four prerequisites. First, the reader must be able to read the writing. This can be done with a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell’s level) or a read magic spell. Second, the user must be able to cast arcane spells (for arcane spell scrolls) or divine spells (for divine spell scrolls). Third, the user must have an Intelligence score high enough to cast the spell. Finally, the user must be able to see and read the text of the scroll.

If the user isn’t high enough level to cast the spell normally, he or she must succeed at a caster level check (DC = the caster level of the scroll +1). If this check fails, the spell fails and disappears from the paper; the scroll is wasted.

Using a scroll is an attack action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Purchase DC: A scroll’s purchase DC is 15 + the scroll’s caster level + spell level unless noted otherwise.

Examples of scrolls include the following:

Scroll of Fireball:

Type: Scroll; Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 23; Weight: —.

Scroll of Neutralize Poison: Reading the scroll activates a neutralize poison spell. The spell functions exactly like a spell prepared and cast the normal way, except that no components are required.

Type: Scroll; Caster Level: 7th; Purchase DC: 26; Weight: —.

Scroll of Raise Dead: Reading the scroll activates a raise dead spell. The spell functions exactly like a spell prepared and cast the normal way, except that no components are required.

Type: Scroll; Caster Level: 9th (divine); Purchase DC: 29; Weight: —.