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URBAN ARCANAADVANCED CLASSES - WILDLORDThe fastest path into this advanced class is from a combination of Strong and Tough hero basic classes, though other paths are possible. RequirementsTo qualify to become a Wildlord, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +2 Skills: Handle Animal 6 ranks, Survival 6 ranks. Class InformationHit Die: Wildlords gain 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies. Action Points: Wildlords gain a number of action points equal to 6 plus one-half their character level, rounded down, every time they advance a level in this class. Class Skills: The Wildlord’s class skills are as follows: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Drive (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, physical sciences), Move Silently (Dex), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Treat Injury (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.
Class FeaturesThe following features pertain to the Wildlord advanced class. Animal Empathy: At 1st level, the Wildlord gains the ability to use her Handle Animal skill to improve the attitude of an animal or magical beast. The interaction is treated as a Diplomacy skill check, with Handle Animal used instead of Diplomacy. The Wildlord needs to be within 30 feet of the creature to use this ability. Most domestic animals have a starting attitude of indifferent, while most wild animals are unfriendly. (Exceptions exist: trained guard dogs may have an initial reaction of hostile to strangers.) The Wildlord may also seek to influence magical beasts (including those she has never encountered before) at a –4 penalty. Animal empathy does not function on vermin. Track: At 2nd level, the Wildlord gains Track as a bonus feat, if she does not already have it. Animal Companion: At 2nd level, the Wildlord may spend an action point to transform an encountered animal into an animal companion. This requires a full-round action. The animal must already be friendly in attitude toward the Wildlord. This animal accompanies the Wildlord on her adventures as is appropriate to its species. The Wildlord may have a single animal companion at a time. Choose an animal from the following list: Ape, bear, big cat, boar, crocodile, deinonychus, dog (medium), donkey, eagle, elephant, herd animal (such as cow, camel, or bison), horse, lizard, monkey, octopus, porpoise, snake (constrictor, viper), squid, tiger, or wolf. The creature may be an animal of Shadow. The animal cannot have more Hit Dice than the Wildlord has character levels. The animal chosen remains an animal, but may gain additional abilities according to the level of the Wildlord (see Animal Companions, below). The player running a Wildlord should consider the fact that certain animals may create problems in urban areas. The Wildlord may release the animal back to the wild, regaining the action point initially spent in the process. The Wildlord does not regain the action point if the creatures dies. In either case, the Wildlord must wait at least 24 hours before attempting to gain another animal companion. Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Wildlord gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Wildlord must meet all of the prerequisites for the feat to select it. Animal Affinity, Athletic, Dodge, Endurance, Focused, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Renown, Stealthy. Fast Climb: At 3rd level, the Wildlord becomes an expert at climbing. A successful Climb check allows her to move her full speed rather than at half speed when climbing. Resist Venom: At 4th level, the Wildlord gains +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against natural poisons. Call Companion: At 4th level, the Wildlord gains the supernatural ability to call her animal companion to her. The animal companion must be in the area (within a mile of the Wildlord’s location), and will arrive within 10d6 minutes. Situations which the Wildlord and animal companion are clearly separated the animal will express consternation and distress but will not be able to respond. Skill Mastery: At 5th level, the Wildlord designates one skill from her Wildlord class skill list. When making a check with this skill, the Wildlord may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. She becomes so certain in the use of this skill that she can use it reliably even under adverse conditions. Expert in Your Field: At 7th level, the Wildlord is considered to be a master of nature lore, animals, and plants. The Wildlord gains a circumstance bonus equal to her Reputation bonus when making skill checks that are directly involved with her knowledge of the natural world. Such skills would include applicable Knowledge skills, as well as such social skills as Intimidate and Bluff when animals are involved. Command/Rebuke Animals: At 8th level, the Wildlord may spend an action point to turn, command, or rebuke animals. This functions in the same manner as the ability to turn undead for the Acolyte. Transform Companion: At 9th level, the Wildlord gains the supernatural ability to transform her animal companion into a small, inert object, such as a charm, a totem, or a stuffed animal, that may be carried around. While in object form, the transformed companion has the properties of the item. The Wildlord may, as a move action or part of a move action, cast the object to the ground and cause it to immediately take its original form. The transformed creature is considered a magical beast as long as it remains the Wildlord’s companion. Command/Rebuke Magical Beasts: At 10th level, the Wildlord may spend an action point to turn, command, or rebuke magical beasts. This functions in the same manner as the ability to turn, command, or rebuke undead for the Acolyte. Animal Companions: As the Wildlord grows in power and ability, so too does the power of her animal companion.
Class Level: The level of the Wildlord. Bonus HD: These are extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit Dice improve the animal companion’s base attack and base save bonuses. An animal companion’s base attack bonus is equal to a Wildlord whose level equals the animal’s HD. An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal’s HD). The animal companion doesn’t gain any extra skill points or feats for bonus HD. Natural Armor: The number listed here is an improvement to the animal companion’s natural armor rating. Str/Dex Adj: Add this figure to the animal companion’s Strength and Dexterity scores. Link (Ex): The Wildlord gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Animal Empathy and Handle Animal checks made regarding the animal companion. Evasion (Ex): If the animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw. Devotion (Ex): The animal companion’s devotion to its master is so complete, it gains a +4 morale bonus on all Will saves against Enchantment spells and effects. Multiattack (Ex): The animal companion gains the Multiattack feat, if it has 3 or more natural attacks. If it does not have the requisite 3 or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural attack, albeit at a –5 to the base attack bonus. Improved Evasion (Ex): If the animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails. Questions? Comments? Boredome? Spot a typoe or a broken link? If you have any of these, feel free to send me an e-mail message at: |