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d20 FUTUREADVANCED CLASSES - EXPLORERThe fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible. RequirementsTo qualify to become an Explorer, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6 ranks, Knowledge (history, physical sciences, or theology and philosophy) 4 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Survival 6 ranks. Dedicated Hero Talent: Aware Class InformationHit Die: The Explorer gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies. Action Points: The Explorer gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class. Class Skills: The Explorer’s class skills are as follows: Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier (6 + Int modifier for nonhumans).
Class FeaturesThe following class features pertain to the Explorer advanced class. Explorer Lore: An Explorer picks up stray and obscure facts during her adventures. She may make a special Explorer lore check with a bonus equal to her Explorer class level + her Intelligence modifier to see whether or not she knows some relevant knowledge about notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. If the Explorer has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), she gains a +2 bonus on this check. She may take 10 but cannot take 20 on this check. An Explorer lore check does not reveal the powers of a magic or psionic item but may give some hint as to its general function; an Explorer may not take 10 or take 20 on this check.
Survivalist: At 1st level, the Explorer gains the bonus feats Guide and Track. Resolve: Beginning at 2nd level, an Explorer gains a morale bonus equal to one-half her Explorer class level (rounded down) on saving throws to resist fear effects and Intimidate checks. Skilled Searcher: When actively searching for secret doors or traps, an Explorer of 2nd level or higher gains a bonus on her Search checks equal to one-half her Explorer class level (rounded down). Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Explorer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Explorer must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Action Boost, Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Aircraft Operation (spacecraft), Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Attentive, Brawl, Dodge, Educated, Endurance, Exotic Firearms Proficiency, Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency, Heroic Surge, Improved Feint, Improved Knockout Punch, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Jack of All Trades, Knockout Punch, Mobility, Nimble, Renown, Spacer, Streetfighting, Studious, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vehicle Expert. Trap Sense: At 4th level, an Explorer gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to Defense against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 at 7th level and +3 at 10th level. Extra Step: An Explorer of 5th level or higher can spend an action point to take an extra 5-foot step during her turn, as a free action. This extra 5-foot step does not provoke attacks of opportunity. At 10th level, the Explorer can take the extra 5-foot step without spending an action point. Explorer’s Evasion: If an Explorer of 8th level or higher is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the Explorer suffers no damage if she makes a successful saving throw. If the Explorer already has evasion, she gains improved evasion instead. Improved evasion works similar to evasion, except the Explorer suffers only half damage on a failed saving throw. Questions? Comments? Boredome? Spot a typoe or a broken link? If you have any of these, feel free to send me an e-mail message at: |